Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dairy Spotlight: Creekside Dairy Hanford, CA

     This week I decided to give you a detailed look at Creekside Dairy Located in Hanford, CA.
     This property consists of +/- 665 acres and has a milking capacity of 2,400 cows. This is a newer facility providing updated amenities and components and is very well built. The two symentrical freestall barns are completely developed and include fans and soakers.
     One of the biggest assets of this dairy is the large amount of support capacity. The support corrals lie just behind the dairy to the West and are spaced out in a very clean manner. When you are on this property  everything seems to flow very well and nothing is congested.
     Other Features Include: US Farm Systems Manure Separator, Double 45 Parallel Milk Barn, Grade 1 & 2 Soils (Classified Good & Excellent), Large Feed Area & Commodity Barn.

Detailed Brochure

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